Heavenly Father,
You are Holy and we want Your Kingdom here
Just as Your SERVANT Jesus did when He was
here on earth. He healed humbly without fanfare
so that Your will and timing would be fulfilled:
We pray we can be SERVANTs like Jesus:
Showing Your love as we go
Every day reading Your word
Receiving Your forgiveness
Valuing Your instruction
Adopting Your mission
Needing Your compassion
Telling of Your Kingdom
In Jesus name,
scripture: Matthew 12:15-21
Heavenly Father
Holy are you May you bring your kingdom here
Jesus as you intercede for us Thank you for
forgiveness. Thank you for those You chose to HEAL .
We offer you our prayer to thank you today:
H ealing is by Your will we need to be okay with that
E ach day we are here sharing you love is Your will
A s we see Peter’s healing ministry by Your will
L et us know it is not personal it is Kingdom ministry
I ndividual whether we will or die is Your will done
N ever letting go of us by holding in pain and loss
G iving us Your love to grow in and share
In Jesus name,
Acts 9:36-43
Please submit any prayer requests or responses to pat@eaglewingfellowship.org
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