Father God, Eternal One,
You are Holy and Perfect,
You know us no other
Thank you for Jesus who died for us
We want to be Your WITNESS in our circle
So we pray:
W atch over us as we share your love
I nstruct on the right words to say
T each us to embrace Your ways
N urture our faith to grow each day
E nvelop us in Your unconditional love
S trengthen us by Your Holy Spirit
S end us out to reach the lost and alone
In Jesus Holy name,
Acts 1:4-8
Heavenly Father our Abba Father,
Holy us Your name, My Your kingdom come,
May Your will be done. We REPENT of our sin,
We pray:
R escue us from our selfish ways
E nd our dependence on this world
P lace our trust in You alone
E levate our faith You are in control
N ever will we let go of Your hand
T ell us Your path so we will follow daily
In Jesus Holy name,
Isaiah 1:16-31
Please submit any prayer requests or responses to pat@eaglewingfellowship.org
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